[EU] Rusthub | Main | Monthly | Low Upkeep | WIPED April 4th
Rusthub Custom Map
Size 3900
1/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | Solo/Duo/Trio | Monthly | No Bp Wipe | Low Upkeep | WIPED April 4th
Rusthub Custom Map
Size 4500
0/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | Solo/Duo/Trio | Monthly | Low Upkeep| WIPED April 4th
Rusthub Custom Map
Size 4500
2/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | Observer Island | Monthly | Low Upkeep | No Bp Wipe | WIPED April 4th
Observer Island | Rusthub.net
Size 4000
0/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Monthly | Low Upkeep | WIPED April 4th
Rusthub Custom Map
Size 4500
1/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | Solo/Duo | Monthly | Low Upkeep | WIPED April 4th
Rusthub Custom Map
Size 4500
3/ 150 Players
[EU] Rusthub | private buildserver
Custom Map
Size 6000
0/ 10 Players


Rusthub Servers try to maintain a comfortable and healthy game environment for everyone and expect its players to contribute to it positively. Break any of the following rules at your own risk. Mutes and bans will be handed out if these rules are broken. If you find yourself in a non-covered situation, please contact the admins by making a ticket at #🎫・create-a-ticket in our DiscordDiscord server. We will do our best to clarify things for you.

Rusthub offers a variety of differently configurated servers in order to provide the maximum rust experience to all its players, based on their taste of gameplay. Therefore, some of the rules below will not apply to all servers.

The Core Rules that Apply to All Rusthub Servers

In-game chat

    • English only in global chat. Use team chat for other languages.

    • Explicit and Offensive content is prohibited.
      This includes graphic imagery, bigotry, and offensive or politically charged slurs/images, racial slurs, racism, misogynism, doxxing, nazism and discrimination on gender or disabilities. All in-game chats are being closely monitored, as well as signs and fireworks.

    • Advertising or Spam in chat/signs/fireworks is strictly prohibited.

    • Do not call out suspected cheaters or rule breakers in chat. Contact an admin instead and report them.

    • Defamation of the servers or Staff is strictly prohibited. Mutes and bans will be handed out accordingly.

    • Cheating or using any kind of device/program/exploit that gets you an unfair advantage, will get you permanently banned.

    • Claiming to be cheating is not allowed.

    • Playing with cheaters/evaders will result in you getting banned.

    • No more than 2 non-Rust Game Bans or VAC Bans in the last 180 days .

    • VPN connections are not permitted. However, you can apply to get whitelisted on our DiscordDiscord.

    • No ban evasion.

    • Steam accounts without set up community profiles are not allowed.

Other Rules:

    • Whilst there is no limitations to raiding, if a group of players attempts to mass raid the server and kill its population it will be counted towards an act against the servers’ wellbeing and punishments will be made.

    • Griefing safezones is forbidden from all servers. This includes samsites, turrets, walls and grief tcs. If any of the above are seen placed close to a safezone they will be removed without discussion. The players may receive a punishement depending on the offense.

    • All our servers are beginner/newbie friendly. This does not mean you will not get killed or receive special treatment. It simply means that the server has certain features that aim to ease a newcomers learning experience.
Staff Members

    • Admins are able to solve a matter at their own discretion if rules don’t cover a situation fully or a rule is being exploited.

    • Admins and Moderators are here to help answer questions about the game but not teach you the game. We will gladly respond to questions about how the game works by giving tips/feedback. However, we cannot build your base for you, cannot do monuments with you, or show you around and cannot actively guide you on how to raid a specific base because you are new/old and rusty or may not know how.

    • Admins will help you with removal requests. However, admins can turn down removal requests at their discretion, if the person is requesting too much or abusing the feature.

    • Do not spam or try to push the tickets. We see all tickets and they will all be dealt with once there is an admin available. Do not expect an admin to get online in the middle of the night to do removals.

    • Moderators are allowed to play in our servers as they do not have any administrative powers. They are simply helping the community and monitoring the global and DiscordDiscord chat.

    • Our servers feature Active Non-Playing Admins that are available 24/7 for your convenience.

    • Whilst Admins have the final say, it is needed to mention that we are only human too and mistakes can be made. If this should happen you can talk about it and find a solution.

Rules for NO TEAM LIMIT Servers ONLY

ex. (Main Monthly EU, Observer Island Monthly EU)

    • No Team limit.

    • Trading bases/loot/gifting is allowed.

    • Griefing bases is allowed.

    • Teaming/Allies are allowed.

    • Griefing is allowed except for safezones.

    • Hotels and villages are allowed.

Rules for Servers with TEAM LIMITS

ex. (Solo/Duo/Trio Monthly EU, Solo/Duo/Trio Monthly EU No BP)
You can find each server’s group limit on their description here

We cannot tell you who you are supposed to kill or be kind to. We strongly encourage our players to develop friendships whilst playing in our servers, as it is completely normal. We also understand that some groups, because of their friendships, are prone to create common enemies and therefore might even want to go against said common enemy at the same time, to ensure the success of their demise and get rid of them. However, please before engaging in all the above, use common sense and tread based on what you would consider teaming, if another team were doing the same.

Group Limits:

    • Clans, Allies, Slaves, Factions, Villages, Hotels are not allowed.

    • You cannot roam/raid/defend/farm/chill/ with anyone who isn’t your teammate in your Team UI.

    • You cannot gift or give away your base and loot to anyone. However, you may abandon your base with open doors and locks, announce in global chat that you are quitting and log off the server.

    • You are allowed to provide new players with the basic items (pickaxe, hatchet, bow, primitive clothes) and enough materials for a basic starter base with a few days upkeep. Providing them with guns of any Tier Workbench and other Tier 1/2/3 items is not allowed.

    • Giving bags or beds inside your base/ inside your building privilege to anyone but your teammates for any reason (like crafting you items, even if its roleplay items), is not allowed.

    • No one can be inside your compound or base that doesn’t live there and isn’t in your Team UI. Also, you cannot enter any base/compound that doesn’t belong to you unless it is now open for everyone/raided/abandoned or you are grubbing/deeping.

    • Only members of the same Team UI are allowed to share codes to doors/TC/external gates and TC/turret authorization.

    • You are not allowed to authorize non-teammates on your turrets, even if it includes the whole server, so the turrets do not shoot at them when they pass by that said turret. You can achieve the same result by setting them on peacekeeper mode, which is allowed.

    • Building Chill/Gathering Zones must be reviewed by an admin to be allowed.

    • Planning to raid someone with another group at different times during a day, so you don’t interfere with their raid, is not allowed. If proof is provided, that you knowingly raided or partially raided someone so that someone else can finish or continue the raid after you, it will count towards teaming on multiple levels.

    • Sending MLRS to a raid can only be done by the team members of the raiding team and not a member of another team.

    • If your team is for example solo or duo, you cannot do the above actions with another solo or duo, even if your team doesn’t exceed the team limit of the server. The only people you are allowed to be around and interact with outside of safezones, are the players inside your Team UI.

    • Switching temporarily teammates is not allowed. Once you switch teammates you are not allowed to add your old team member back into your team for the rest of the wipe.

    • Offline and Online members are always included in the limit.

Teaming bans vary from but aren’t limited to 3 - 7 days. Ban periods may change and be applied at the admin’s discretion. If a player or group has multiple offenses, permanent bans may be applied. Bending the above rules will guarantee you a punishment.

Replacing Group Members

We do not require you to inform us when changing teammates. However, if it occurs multiple times during a wipe, therefore abusing the feature, it will be counted towards breaking the Group Limit rules and concluding in a ban for all players connected to the offense. Changing teammates must be done in a specific process, that if a team/group fails to follow, action will be taken. If your old team member is still authorized to your tcs/locks a ban may be applied at the admins discretion. If you believe there’s been a mistake you can always try to appeal on our DiscordDiscord by making a ticket.

Switching team member(s) should be done by making sure that the following requirements are met:

    • All Authorization lists in All Tool Cupboards must be cleared and only the new Team UI is allowed to be authorized.

    • All locks must be picked up/removed and then placed and locked again with a new pass code that your old teammate(s) don’t know.

    • All Bags/Beds of the leaving member(s) must be removed from inside the range of the tool cupboard(s) privilege(s) that belong to the team.

    • All turret authorization lists must be cleared. Only members of the new team are allowed to be authorized.

Trading & Selling on Team Limited Servers

    • Trading can only take place through vending machines or shopfronts, inside or outside of safezones.

    • Trading cars or minicopters must only take place in safezones or by building a dedicated shop that is using an automated selling mechanism.

    • Trading bases or giving them away is forbidden.

    • Trading loot outside a safezone without a vending machine or a shopfront is not allowed.

    • You cannot go to someone's base and trade a car, a mini copter or loot inside or outside their base/gate. However, if they have a shopfront, loot is allowed to be traded.

    • The two trading parties cannot help each other if a third team attacks one or the other before or after a trade. All sides must be treated equally during pvp. That’s why we strongly enforce that trading must be done through vending machines or shopfronts.

    • Giving boom for free to someone or listing it in a vending machine, that is reachable by drone or walkable for a ridiculously low price, is strictly forbidden.

    • Trading boom is only allowed if a reasonable and equaly valuable item is offered in exchange

    • Trading boom can not be done upon request of another players assistance during a raid. If someone asks for help whilst raiding that they need extra boom to finish a raid, supplying that even if the exchange is fair, will be counted towards teaming.

"No Griefing" Rule

The No Griefing Rule applies to all Monthly Wipe Servers with Group Limit ONLY

    The following griefing methods are NOT ALLOWED

      • Blocking people from expanding their bases by placing griefing tool cupboards around is not allowed.

      • Griefing build spots with tool cupboards is not allowed.

      • Walling off or griefing safezones is not allowed.

      • Griefing and taking over bases after Raiding is not allowed. However, raiders are allowed to TEMPORARILY lock/seal a base to transfer loot. Once the transferring is done, all tool cupboards and doors/door locks must be unlocked and deauthorized.

      If any of the above happens please make a ticket and contact an admin to remove the griefing.

      If the above feature gets abused by someone to intenionally try to fool an admin into raiding a base that doesn’t belong to them, they will be banned.

    The following griefing methods ARE ALLOWED

      • Making a raid base is allowed but must be left unlocked after finishing a raid and transferring loot.

      • If a base gets foundation wiped (every single foundation), the raiding team is allowed to build on that spot.

      • If the base is a multi-tc base, every single tool cupboard and foundation needs to be destroyed in order for the raiding team to build.

      • Door Camping is allowed.

      • Griefing/taking over quarries is allowed.

      • Raid bases can get griefed.

      • Griefing/Taking over tugboats is allowed.

      • Griefing/Destroying/ Taking over cars is allowed.

      If any of the above happens please make a ticket and contact an admin to remove the griefing.


    • If you feel not covered by the above rules, before reaching out to an admin, check out our F.A.Q article.

    • If you are looking to verify your in-game steam account head over to our DiscordDiscord (….)

    • If you are looking for the servers' features, you can find them all on our DiscordDiscord server.

Anything you hear from someone who is banned, claiming they were banned for no reason is simply trying to spread rumors to harm the reputation of the server as revenge, for disagreeing or not accepting that the actions we took against them were rightfully deserved.


When is the forced wipe and will BPs wipe?

    Rusthub Servers currently offer a variety of differently configurated servers. You can find all information about server wipes on our DiscordDiscord.

Do administrators play on the servers?

    Rusthub Servers feature an active non-playing administrative team.

What is the difference between an administrator and a moderator?

    An administrator has access to all tools provided to succesfully monitor and protect our servers but is NOT able to play on any of the Rusthub Servers. Meanwhile, a moderator is able to play on all our server, as they can only moderate the in-game and DiscordDiscord server chat by muting a player.

Will an admin help me break an item/wall?

    Yes, but there’s a process. In order to get an admin to help you , you must do a removal request. Simply head to our DiscordDiscord server and create a ticket to contact the admin team and let them know your steam name and what needs to be removed. Any additional photos or information will help the admin team to do their job correctly. However, our admins can deny removals at their discretion if the person/team is requesting a lot or if they see that the feature is getting abused by certain individuals. Admins will also follow our ‘No Griefing’ guidelines. If the request goes against the rules, for example removing a raidbase, they can decline the removal, unless that raidbase is not being used for its actual purpose. If other players interfere whilst a removal is being done, the admin will vanish and let the player deal with the encounter themselves. The admin will continue the proccess when no other players are present. Do not spam or try to push the tickets and do not expect an admin to get online in the middle of the night to do removals. If you are not getting a response it doesn’t mean we are ignoring you, it means theres no admin available at this time. We see all tickets and they will all be dealt with once there’s is an admin available

Will an admin help me retrieve a lost/destroyed item?

    We are not obliged to recover any items lost for any reason and we will not spawn them back either. Even if the item is glitched in a foundation, swallowed by terrain due to a bug, or if a server error occurs and stuff magically despawns, we will not interfere with the flow of gameplay. If we did, this would be unfair to other players who cannot get their items back.

What is the server’s rules on griefing?

    As a newly founded server, we are striving to build a community. We find griefing to be a toxic and unnecessary action, that has proven to be the most serious cause of population decline. Raiding someone once or multiple times, can become pretty demotivating for some. There is nothing we can do about raiding as it is the natural concept of the game. However, a No Griefing rule has been applied in some of our servers, order limit the players from evicting other players for good by making their base unusable to recover from. You can find our servers listed in our DiscordDiscord. If a server has the No Griefing rule, it will be stated in the servers Features.

Why is a player I have reported for or believe is cheating not banned?

    We take player reports very seriously and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us and notify us of players. If you have reported a player or believe someone is cheating and they have not yet been banned or removed it does not mean they are not cheating, only that we lack sufficient data to know firmly and 99.99% that they are not cheating. We will start moderating players once we have sufficient proof of violations. You may have seen admins across other servers banning people with minimal amount of proof or based on a hunch. Through our research, we found that in the long run, taking action with insufficient proof and handing bans to people who we arent sure that are actually making a game violation, will proove to be harmful for the server. Many people get reported for cheating on a daily basis, without actually using any third party tools to give them an in-game advantage.
    It is always best to report a player by using the F7 command in addition to notifying us via our DiscordDiscord.

Team Limit Server F.A.Q

Can my team build multiple bases?

    You can have team members that don’t share the same base with you or arent authorized in all tool cupboards that belong to the team in total but they have to be in your Team UI. You can enter their base, have bags, turret auth etc. Only members from that specific team are allowed to be authorized across all tool cupboards. They have to be in your team to be considered teammates. If a player that isn’t in your Team UI is inside your base or compound and that person is not raiding/camping/grubbing or deeping you but is simply chilling or crafting you items, that is considered teaming

Are there any places where the team limit does not apply?

    Yes, gatherings over the team limit are allowed in safe zones (Outpost, Fishing Village, Bandit Camp, etc).

Can I give away my base or loot?

    Giving away a base or it’s door codes is stricly forbidden and will result in a ban for teaming. However, you are able to abandon your base. Abandoning a base means you will have to either remove all codelocks from doors and deauthorize on your own tool cupboard, or just leave all doors open and log off. If someone wishes to offer you or someone else their base, make sure they have followed the above. In addition, loot gifting is forbidden under any circumstance. There will be a more informative and extensive section on how trading works on our servers further down.

Can I build a chill / gathering zone and host events?

    At any point exceeding the group limit outside a safezone will result in a teaming ban. However, you may contact an admin and ask for permission to build event spaces or chill spaces, as we will inform you on the things that will be required to be implemented on said build/space, in order to make sure it complies with the server’s rules.

Can I build a hotel and only provide guest codes to visitors?

    You should not build hotels as there is a great risk of violating our base authorization rules.

Will I be breaking rules if I authorize on an open TC?

    We will not moderate players that have authorized on visibly decayed/raided bases. We do recommend still clearing authorizations when you find one of these TCs just in case!

Can I bag a player in my base to craft an item for me?

    You should not bag other players into your base who will not be authorized on the base or the items in it. If you wish to have a player craft an item for you, you should meet them in a safe zone or meet with them somewhere else, just be aware of the team limit.

Can I swap or remove a team member from my base?

    You can replace team members at any point without notifying us, however if we notice that this gets exploited by certain people, we will take action. Make sure that you remove the old members body, bag and clear all previous authorizations on Tool Cupboard and doors (change code or pick up and replace locks). It is the responsibility of all players authorized on a base to ensure the base is properly cleared and does not exceed the servers listed limits.

My Team UI doesn’t reach the team limit. Can I be around a player/players without exceeding the team limit?

    Absolutely not. If you are a solo you shall not be around another solo or duo without them being in your team. Also, if you are a duo, you are not allowed to be with or around a solo that isn’t part of your team. You might not be exceeding the team limit of the server, but you are still teaming with someone else that isn’t in your Team UI which is agaisnt the rules. If you are a solo or duo or trio and some other individual(s) come to your base, or outside your compound and gets involved into a fight, you as base owner must take action against both parties or non of them. However, we can’t tell you who to loot and who not. If you want to team with up with someone, it should be done officially by adding them to your team. However, if we notice that this gets exploited and someone changes teammates mutiple times during a wipe, we will take action. There is no given limit to how many times you are allowed to changes teammates. Admins can decide at their descretion what is considered too much or not depending on each situation.

What do you consider teaming?

    Playing long on the same server is prone to develop friendship toward other groups and common enemies, this sometimes creates the urge to take out the same target. However, interacting with people outside your team in a friendly manner whilst not in a safezone is not allowed. Planning to raid someone with other than your teammates is not allowed. Planning to raid someone with another group at different times during a day, so you don’t interfere with their raid, is not allowed .Sending MLRS to a raid can only be done by the team members of the raiding team and not a member of another team.You are not allowed to give a bag to someone in the range of your tool cupboard privilege that doesn’t belong to your team.You can not roam/farm/raid with anyone outside your team. Whilst countering a raid, the counter-raiding player should engage both parties and should not at any time work directly with either party to help one or the other gain advantage. if suspected that the countering team isnt just countering but actually defending the raid, meaning helping the owner, action will be taken.

Do I need to KOS (kill on sight) or raid my neighbors?

    We can not tell you who to kill or raid. You can have a non-aggresion pact or no KOS pact with certain players without it counting as teaming. However, you should treat them like all other players when encountering them. This means you would likely engage in PVP when you cross paths but overall will not seek to raid them. You should also avoid defending your neighbors during their own PVP interactions from your roof or compound. If you want to counter the raid you must be on ground and treat both the base owner and raiders equally. There is no penalty for picking up wounded players but you should take care that there are not more than the servers listed team limit together for any period of time.After picking up a wounded player you should tell them to leave immediately to prevent the server’s rules from being broken.

Can I trade with players?

    Trading is allowed but limited to specific methods, that comply with the server rules.
    Trades must be done through vending machines or shopfronts in our outside of safezones.
    Trading cars, minicopters or any other type of vehicle must only take place in safezones or by building a dedicated shop that is using an automated selling mechanism.
    Trading bases or gifting is forbidden.
    Giving boom for free to someone is strictly forbidden.
    Trading boom is only allowed if a reasonable and equaly valuable item is offered in exchange and not a rock, 10 scrap, 5 stacks of wood, or a box of stone.
    Trading boom can not be done upon request of another players assistance during a raid. If someone asks for help whilst raiding that they need extra boom to finish a raid, supplying that even if the exchange is fair, will be counted towards teaming. Whilst you are allowed to provide new players with the basic materials and tools to start their wipe, guns and other tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 items are not inlcuded in the allowed items. Providing them with enough stone/ wood, a metal door, a tool cupboard, a hatchet, a pickaxe, a bow with arrows, a primitive outfit and a few days upkeep are all acceptable.

About Rusthub Servers

The fundamental concept behind Rusthub is to serve as the central hub for all things related to Rust, positioning itself as the definitive hub for the Rust community. Rusthub Servers were established in December 2022, with a clear vision from the outset: to create a welcoming and informative public space where Rust players can come together to stay updated on the latest game news and delve into its core mechanics.

Rust is a dynamically evolving game, and over the years, it has emerged as one of the most diverse and inclusive titles in the gaming industry. Regardless of how much time an individual has devoted to it, there is always something new to discover and explore. At Rusthub, we are committed not only to enhancing the in-game experience but also to providing guidance and support to newcomers by introducing them to both the game's longstanding and recent core mechanics.

Within our website, you will discover an extensive range of resources that Rusthub Servers offer, including guides and tools carefully curated to benefit not only novice players but also seasoned veterans, all aimed at enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Our community is home to a multitude of individuals seeking a friendly and toxicity-free environment for Rust enthusiasts. Our servers are closely monitored by active non-playing administrators, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience 24/7.




This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
